Luis and Cathy, Luxembourg Interview conducted in Praia do Norte, Faial, Azores Luis and Cathy were enjoying a snack while keeping an eye on a surfer braving head and a half sized waves near a …
Ondrej, Walking down Mount Pico
Ondrej, Age 50s Slovakia I had a nice long talk with Ondrej while walking down mount Pico. He was an entrepreneur who had lived through time of socialism. As a nature lover he had thought a …
Paulo, Mantenha
I was on a hike along a rugged lava field on the coastline of the Island of Pico in the Azores. I met Paulo along my walk. He was a lighthouse keeper, a person who has long studied the seas. His …
Miguel Assis, São Miguel
Miguel, Born in the 40s on Terceira Interviewed on São Miguel I was painting an image of our ship, the "R Heritage Too", on the sidewalk on the port in Ponta Delgado. It was a great way to meet …